Saturday, October 07, 2006
Holidays and Parties
The people of Ukraine love to take time off from work. There are many, many holidays, especially in the Spring and summer months. Parades and celebrations are not uncommon. During the month of May, we found there are two plus weeks when businesses close and people plant their gardens or just enjoy life.
Ukrainians also know how to party. Last Sunday, Richard, Patty, (visiting from the US), Natalia and I were invited to the 10th Anniversary Celebration for UniMed--a division of the ProMed group. Eugene S. is the head of this company. Over 100 guests were bussed to the Wild West "Resort"for an evening of entertainment, eating and celebration. We were graciously welcomed and meet a couple of lovely young ladies who enjoyed speaking English with us. They have become new friends and we met with them a couple of nights ago again. The company they work for also helps orphanages and they were interested in our ministry.
I still haven't figured out how to dress for these occasions. I dressed in denim thinking that it was after all a wild west adventure. Everyone else dressed in evening attire. Oh well! One of these days I may remember it is better to be overdressed than underdressed.