Thursday, April 10, 2008
Joy and Smiles
Last week I was the city hall in our village and one of the workers and I were trying to converse. My Russian language skills are limited at their best and my Ukrainian is non-existent. She asked me a question and then she mimicked crying. She was asking if it made me sad to be here. I had to tell her that sometimes, yes, it makes me sad.
But there are many things that give joy if I watch for them. I praise God for new friends and a place to live. I praise Him for his faithfulness and the words of encouragement He sends through friends, both old and new. I look out my window and see new buds on the trees. I hear the birds singing songs of joy. I know that someday, I will have lots of time to be with my family. I know I have eternity to spend with them but I have only a short time here to perhaps make a bit of difference in this distant land. So, in spite of these temporary lapses into self pity, I forge ahead and do what I can to make someone smile.
That's not too difficult because I think a lot of the people I meet tend to think of me as a crazy American woman. I don't mind. As long as I can get a smile from them. When we walk in the afternoon, we are now getting smiles and greetings from almost everyone we see. We are beginning to feel accepted in a way. If people think of me as the crazy American I can get by without putting the correct endings on words or following the strict codes--because most of the time I am not even aware that I am breaking the rules. And I can smile.
I may live on the other side of the world but the people are the same, they need a good chuckle or at the very least a smile. And in the end, the homesickness is replaced by a radiant joy and my lips turn up without even trying. I recommend it. Try it. It works.